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DMVCheatSheets Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee that you will pass the your DMV written test if you properly utilize a study material that you have purchased from within the last 30 days. In the event that you fail your written exam after purchasing study material from for the state in which you failed, we will refund the purchase price of the study guide within 60 days of notification and verification of your order and failure.

In order to receive the refund, you will be required to submit proof of your failed exam in the form of a certified letter from the state in question department of motor vehicles or a printout showing written test failure that clearly displays the name and address.  This information must match the information used for your purchase at for that state. These items must be received by us via US postal mail to the address below.  Please note, email submissions of failure are not acceptable. You must submit prove of failure within 30 days of your purchase of the dmv cheat sheet.

Please mail proof of failure to:
Attn: DMVCheatSheets / refunds
19825 North Cove Road, Ste 173
Cornelius, NC 28031

Updated Dec 27, 2024