Tips on Safe Driving
Traffic accidents occur everyday on the road in large numbers and some are actually fatal. Even when the accident is not to this extreme being involved in an accident can cause you a number of problems that can last for some time. It can result in a ticket and points on your license, increased insurance costs, loss of work and money to repair your vehicle. So it is best to practice some safe driving procedures and avoid an accident where ever possible so that you can save yourself the hassle and costs that one will cause you. The following tried and proven safety tips will assist you in being a safer, more defensive driver while on the road and help you take action when faced with an issue in your travels.
Before Getting Behind the Wheel
Safety begins before you even buckle into the car and head out on the road. It is important to keep your vehicle in good working condition to avoid an accident and keep you safe while driving. Make sure that your mirrors are in working condition and that you can easily see through them. This includes your side mirrors and rearview, essential for properly changing lanes and watching for trouble while on the road. Your car’s safety equipment should also be in proper working condition and used by you and passengers at all times. If your car has airbags, be sure to have them checked in older vehicles at your next inspection. Seatbelts should be in good working condition and worn at all times. If you have children in car, follow your local laws regarding proper child equipment. In addition your tires should be correctly inflated and in good condition to assure you have control in any weather and are able to stop correctly. Your car is the first defense for safe driving so be sure it is kept up. You can also follow these tips for your preparation to assure you are in the best condition for driving:
- Never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drunk driving is the number one cause of fatal accidents in the country. Remember buzzed driving is drunk driving so do not drive if you have even one drink. In addition, read all the warning labels on any prescription and over the counter medications. If there is a warning not to operate a motor vehicle while taking then time your dosages so that you do not have to drive while taking this medicine.
- Do not drive while you are sleepy. Make sure you get a decent night’s rest when you are driving the following day. Give yourself plenty of time in the morning to wake up and eat a healthy breakfast before leaving. Falling asleep at the wheel could result in a serious accident. If you find you are nodding off, pull over and rest your eyes a moment or get a cup of coffee.
- Be in the right frame of mind. If you are upset or worrying about something, put it out of your mind before starting to drive. It will cause you a number of issues while you are on the road otherwise.
Safety While on the Road
Even being fully prepared before you pull out of the driveway cannot assure you are a safe driver while out on the road. There are many potential hazards in your travels and it is best to be prepared and aware of them ahead of tine to avoid an accident. There are many sources you can use to learn about the ways to handle a potential hazard through reading materials online at to help you know in advance what to expect while driving. Follow these tips to assist you with some common issues known to potentially cause an accident on the road:
- Stay at the correct speed limit at all times. Even if you are late for work or an appointment, remind yourself that it is better to arrive late than not at all and that a serious accident can prevent you from reaching your destination. Even a less serious accident will cause even more delays than just maintaining the limit would have.
- Follow all instructions and stay alert in construction zones. It seems like there is construction everywhere on the road during warmer months and it can be frustrating. But staying calm and following laws is the key to safe driving. Follow the posted speed limit and watch for workers that may come into your path.
- Avoid road rage at all costs. If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a breath and remind yourself that it is not that important. Driving while angry will cause you to make mistakes in judgment you would not normally have made. If someone around you has road rage, just calmly let them pass.
- Lower your speed during adverse weather such as rain, storms and snow. These conditions, especially in the first hour of accumulation will cause dangerous hazards on the road. If there is a snow storm, the best defense is to just not drive until it has passed, but if you must make sure that you give yourself extra time to reach your destination. Remember the rule, stay at a speed limit that allows you to safely control your vehicle, regardless of what others around you may be doing. Don’t give in to peer pressure and attempt to push yourself beyond your safe limits. You are in control of your own safety.