The Most Commonly Missed Questions On A California Permit Test
Although studying for the test and practicing the required driving skills is an excellent first step to getting your driving permit, it isn’t sufficient for many drivers. It’s tasking to take a driving test in-person with a test administrator or on a computer at the DMV. You can retake the DMV test, but you’ll have to pay the fee and reschedule for another day.
In the U.S, some states put restrictions on the number of times you can take tests all year. In California, the maximum number of times you can take the written test is three times in 12 months. It is expected that during this timeframe, you must pass both tests.
Below are some common questions missed by new drivers and their correct answers on the written driving test.
At What Level of Blood Alcohol Concentration Are You Impaired?
This is tricky because the answer may not correlate with your state’s legal maximum alcohol concentration in blood.
Generally, impairment begins between 0.03 and 0.05 percent. Although, if you’re asked to state the legal blood alcohol concentration, you’ll have to answer in line with your state laws.
For instance, in California, it is illegal for anyone above 21 to drive a car with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent in the blood. However, the legal limit is reduced to 0.01 percent for anyone below 21.
Who Has the Right-of-Way When…?
The DMV permit test is structured to ensure you know who has the right-of-way in any situation. These right-of-way rules forestall accidents by clearly stating who should go first and who has to wait for their turn. For instance:
When you’re driving along a narrow mountain, and there’s only sufficient width for one vehicle, the vehicle traveling uphill has the right-of-way. Downhill vehicles are to pull over (preferably in an area designated for this purpose) to give way for the uphill vehicle to proceed past.
When two vehicles come together at a four-way stop simultaneously from perpendicular directions, the vehicle at the furthest right has the right-of-way.
Vehicles moving straight across an intersection with a green light have the right of way; any vehicle turning left on a green light must give way to those oncoming vehicles.
The rules about this subject are applicable across all states nationwide, so you need not worry about state-specific rules on this subject.
When Should You Use Your Headlights?
Modern cars frequently have automatic headlights that turn on as natural light dims, as most people don’t know there are rules regarding when you must use headlights. The answer is that you have to switch on your headlights at least thirty minutes before sunset until thirty minutes after sunrise.
Which Way Should Your Steering Wheel Face When Parking Uphill?
Drivers who reside in geographically flat areas and seldom park on a hillside often miss this question. However, the answer is logical and excellent. You want to park so that gravity would stop your vehicle if it starts to roll.
So, if you’re parking your vehicle facing uphill, don’t let your steering wheel face the direction of the curb. If gravity begins pulling on your vehicle, the curb will prevent your vehicle from rolling into any other thing on the street. More importantly, don’t forget to apply your parking brake!
When Is the best time to enter an intersection?
You may feel it is acceptable to enter an intersection when you have the right of way or when the light turns green. However, the DMV exam wants to ensure you practice defensive driving (a driver who’s ready for the improper actions of other drivers). So, to correctly answer this question, always mention " when it is safe to do so" or "when other vehicles have cleared the intersection."
What Does [This Sign] Mean?
Know your signs at your fingertips! During the teen permit knowledge test, the instructors always ask one or two questions about signage. These could be warning signs (winding roads, side roads, deer crossing, etc.) or traffic signs (railroad tracks, school, yield, etc.). So make out extra study time to memorize and review signs.
When Are You Allowed to Overtake a Slower Car?
Several drivers feel they can go through the center turning lane to pass a slow-moving vehicle, and this action is wrong. The only times you can pass a car on a two-lane road is when there are:
- A dotted line in the center signifies that either side can pass through the oncoming lane.
- A center line is dotted on the sides nearest you and solid on one side. The dotted side may only use the oncoming lane to pass.
Avoid crossing a solid line to pass.
What are you expected to do if you have a tire blowout?
It’s surprising how people not only get lost in emergencies but also in questions relating to emergencies. The correct answer is to allow your car slow to a stop, while any other option can result in loss of car control.
When is it required to use your parking lights on the roadway at night?
Without even thinking, you can answer "always”. Your answer will be incorrect since this aspect only applies to parking outside towns and cities. Several applicants select general answers, while correct answers are more specific.
Final thoughts
If you feel you’ve gained mastery of the driving materials, go online and access yourself with practice tests. Several online drivers’ ed courses include unlimited driving test prep resources. In addition, you could reach out to your local DMV to see if they offer an app that lets you take online simulated practice tests on your phone.