Nevada Learner's Permit: Teen Guide

This is a partial study guide for teens taking the Nevada’s Drivers Test in order to get their learners permit. That test can be found here. This quick-guide covers the basics of drivers’ safety. You can also obtain free practice tests here at

Preparation: Getting Ready to Drive

Before you start the engine, adjust the driver’s seat so you can see and reach the control, pedals, etc. Make sure to clean the windshield if it’s not clean. Buckle your seatbelt and assure everyone else’s is too! Attitude check: are you calm and in control? Adjust your mirrors and check them for obstructions. After starting the car: make sure you have enough fuel. Are there safety lights on? Make sure your stereo is not so loud as to interfere with your driving. If the environment requires it, turn on your lights, wipers, etc.

Cell Phones and Texting

You’re only allowed to talk on a cell phone using a hands-free device. All texting and getting on the Internet using a phone while driving is prohibited. If it would be unsafe to pull over, a cell phone can be used to report an accident or road blockage.

Signs, Signals and Markings

Standard colors:

  • Red — no, does not or stops
  • Green — direction or guidance
  • Yellow or yellow green — general warning
  • White — regulatory, law or rule
  • Orange — road construction or repair warning
  • Blue — driver services, such as food and lodging
  • Brown — recreation and scenic area information

Standard shapes:

  • Octagon (8 sides) — STOP
  • Diamond — warning
  • Rectangle — traffic regulations or directions to drivers
  • Inverted triangle — yield right of way
  • Crossbuck (X) — actual railroad crossing
  • Pennant — no passing
  • Pentagon (5 sides) — school zones and school crossings
  • Circle — railroad crossing ahead
  • Shield — route marker
  1. Signs to know

Stop Signs, Yield Signs, Regulatory signs, Warning signs, Railroad Crossing signs, Route signs and markers, construction and maintenance signs (fines double in construction zones).

  1. Signals lights to know

Red, Yellow, Green, Red Flashing, Yellow Flashing, Red arrow, Yellow Arrow, Yellow Flashing Arrow, and Green Arrow.

  1. Highway Markings to know
  • Broken or dashed white lines
  • Solid white lines
  • Yellow lines
  • Broken or dashed yellow lines
  • Solid yellow lines
  • Double yellow lines
  • Crosswalk lines
  • Stop lines
  • Dotted white lines
  • Right-of-Way
  • Center lanes

While Driving

  1. Right-of-way

This refers to the right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed before another vehicle. Failure to obey right-of-way laws is one of the leading causes of accidents in Nevada.
A vehicle already at an intersection has the right-of-way ahead of vehicles that just got to the intersection. Whichever vehicle arrives at a four-way stop first has the right-of-way. A vehicle going straight has the right-of-way ahead of a vehicle turning left. If a vehicle is coming out of a driveway or minor road, they must yield the right-of-way to the cars on the major road. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way. Emergency vehicles always have the right-of-way.

  1. Controlling Speed

Nevada has a law that requires drivers to maintain a “reasonable or proper” speed. This means that various factors must be considered such as the level of traffic, the road conditions, the weather conditions, and the limits/condition of the vehicle.


  • 15 mph in School zones
  • 25 mph in business and residential areas and school zones
  • 45 mph: reduced speed areas going into towns
  • 65 mph on urban freeways, rural highways
  • 70 mph on rural interstate freeways
  1. Freeway Driving

Use the on-ramp. Scan for cars before entering traffic. Try not to stop unless absolutely necessary. Yield to traffic. Know that the flow of traffic is often going faster than the listed speed limit. Remember that the far left lane is for faster traffic. Avoid lane hopping. Stay alert for changes, construction, and increased traffic. Check mirrors often. Watch traffic and use your turn signals if you’re going to be changing lanes.
When exiting a freeway, make sure to signal, look ahead and around you, tap breaks slowing down after exiting, and watch for upcoming intersections. If you miss the ramp, don’t stop on the freeway and try to turn around. Take the next exit to turn around. If you exit at the wrong exit, never turn around in the exit.

Ramp Meters and High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes

Some on-ramps have a traffic light before they begin called ramp meters. You must stop here and obey the traffic signals. These lights often change more rapidly than normal traffic lights. In addition, there are sometimes multiple lanes that are controlled by multiple ramp meters. Take care not to get confused as to which light regulates the lane you’re in.

  1. Stopping

How long it takes you to stop will depend on a number of factors, including the size of your vehicle, the weather conditions, how much you’re carrying, your speed, the condition of your tires, the make of your care, and the condition of your car’s breaks.
In order to come to a complete stop, you must: perceive a need to stop, react mentally, and then react physically by applying the break. If you double your car’s speed, your breaking distance quadruples.

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