How to pass the Georgia CDL Class B License Exam

A CDL allows an individual to operate a commercial vehicle. There are several different types of CDLs that can be granted, dependent upon the type of vehicle that you wish to drive. In addition, there are special endorsements that must be obtained for operation of certain types of vehicles. A Class ‘B’ license in the state of Georgia allows the driver to operate a commercial vehicle that weighs 26,001 pounds of more.

Requirements for a Georgia CDL

To obtain a CDL in Georgia you must be at least 18 years of age. However, individuals that obtain a CDL who are under 21 years of age are unable to take their vehicle out of the state. There are numerous tests that must be successfully completed before the CDL is granted. There are fees associated with each test, and failing any portion of the tests will result in denial of the CDL.

It is necessary that an individual who wants to earn a CDL in the state be in good health so not to risk their own health, or that of others, during operation of the vehicle. To ensure that this qualification is met, the state requires that a physical examination be taken before the day of testing. Any physician can perform the test. The medical card must carried inside of the vehicle at all times.

There are many different tests that must be completed on the day of your DMV visit. This includes a written skills test , a road test, a vision test, and the medical exam. Failing any of the tests will result in the application for a CDL being denied. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, ensure that they are on you when you arrive at the DMV and when taking your road tests.

How to Obtain Requirements for a Georgia CDL

There are truck driving schools which offer hands-on training for individuals that want to earn their CDL. The length of these schools varies, as does the instruction provided. The state has not made attending one of these schools necessary, although most truck drivers will tell you that it takes a load off and makes it much easier to pass the tests as well as to operate the vehicle afterward.

If you choose not to take these special classes, ensure that you have a copy of the CDL training manual to study. All of the information needed to pass the test can be found in this guide; however, you will lack the hands-on training which is so beneficial in the training classes. There are also many other ways to study for the test.

You must attend a local DMV during regular business hours and complete all of the tests in one day. There is a local office in a city near you, although the hours and days of operation do vary from location to location. There are some DMV offices in the state that are open on Saturday. If you do not pass all of the tests that you are given, the failed portion of the test must be retaken before the CDL is granted. There are costs associated with each test. These fees are due on the day of testing and must be paid by cash or a check. No credit or debit cards are accepted.

Who is Eligible to Earn a CDL?

In addition to age requirements for a Georgia CDL, there are also other factors that determine whether or not you are eligible to receive the license. If you have been convicted of certain criminal offense, you might be ineligible for the CDL. Crimes which automatically disqualify you from the license include arson, rape, murder, assault with intent to murder, treason and a number of others. Both men and women are eligible to take the test and earn a CDL license.

Final CDL Information

Earning a CDL in the state of Georgia enables an individual to enjoy a career driving a truck. Where you will drive, and the type of vehicle that will be driven, vary from company to company and from individual to individual. Be prepared on the day of the test. Study long and hard, and if it is at all possible, obtain firsthand driving experience of the vehicle. You must be able to not only drive the vehicle, but also perform inspections and other requirements. The state of Georgia does not provide a vehicle for the road test so it is imperative that you drive a commercial vehicle to the center to take this test. If you do not pass the tests administered your first try, they may be taken again in a 30-day period. However, if you continue to fail, waiting periods may be administered. You will be responsible for paying all of the testing fees once more if you do not pass the test on the first try, so study hard so this is not an issue that you will face.

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