General Learner's Permit Information You Should Know

Getting your learners permit is one of the biggest steps to make as adolescents on the road to becoming young adults. It’s one of the rites of passage we dream about from a very young age and impatiently look forward to when we become teenagers. It is also one of the most important parts of obtaining your driver’s license. Many states will not let you test or apply for a driver’s license without having first taken and kept your learner’s permit for a pre determined period. Also, in many states if you are under a certain age you must first obtain a learners permit and successfully pass drivers education before qualifying for a driver license.

There are many requirements you must meet to be able to qualify or test for your learner’s permit and these vary from state to state.

General Requirements for getting a Learners Permit

The main qualification in most states for attaining your driving permit is being at least 15 years of age and completing an approved driver’s education course. There are a couple of different ways to complete an approved driver’s education course, one of which is through the high school you attend in a traditional class room setting where a staff member usually doubles as the certified instructor. The second and most popular method for completing an approved driver’s education course is to enroll in a certified driving school— many insurance companies have driving schools during certain parts of the year.

Lastly, you may learn through an approved online driver’s education course which can be taught by a parent or guardian. Studying for the permit exam is very important and although it is a fun accomplishment, learning your states traffic laws and motor vehicle safety regulations must be regarded very seriously.

After Driver’s Ed

The minimum hours required vary by state but fall in the range of between 30-35 hours including or in addition to driving hours. Once you’ve completed your driver’s education you must go to the DMV and take the written exam if it was not part of your driver’s education course. The test consists of material covered in the states drivers’ manual about the states driving regulations, road sign meanings and safety and traffic laws. To apply for your learner’s permit there are several documents you must bring to your local DMV as well as the proof of completing your driver’s education course. Documents required vary by state but may include some of the following; proof of identity and citizenship, social security card and a verification of enrollment or high school diploma or the equivalent such as a GED. You must also bring a parent or legal guardian at the time you go to apply for your permit
so that they can also sign the application.

Getting Your Learner’s Permit In Hand

When you finally obtain your learner’s permit, there are a variety of doors that open for you! Unfortunately, the new adventures waiting for you are not without their rules or limitations. When you earn your learner’s permit there are still often requirements you must fulfill to your driver’s education class to be able to qualify for your license in the future— this may include more driving hours of classroom hours. As a permitted driver you’re allowed to practice your driving skills freely but this also has stipulations you must follow.

When practicing your driving skills or operating a motor vehicle for any reason, when you get your learners permit you must have a licensed adult over the age of 21 in the front seat with you at all times. Permitted drivers in some states are also not allowed to have other people in the car with them under a certain age, and if it is permitted it is often limited to one person under the age of 18 without a license. In other states this rules is bypassed if that person is an immediate family member.

Check with your local DMV or local drivers manual to be clear on any rules or regulations you are unsure of. As a permitted driver, you are not allowed to use a cell phone in a motor vehicle while driving in most states. Every state has different rules for newly licensed or drivers who only have a learner’s permit but every state enforces curfew for these drivers. After a certain time of night you are not allowed to drive until the time that the curfew ends in the early morning. These times vary state by state but are generally 11pm-12am to 5am-6am the following morning.

You are not allowed to get a ticketed violation of any kind during your permit period in most states and doing so can set you back a ways when it comes time to get your driver license. After holding your learner’s permit for a certain amount of time, usually 6 months to a year depending on the state, the next step to vehicular freedom is obtaining your driver’s license.

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