DMV Test Questions and Answers for the Virginia DMV

One of the most dreaded aspects of getting a drivers license to many people is the written test portion of the process. There are many reasons people become anxious for this test including a fear of test taking but with a little preparation and some knowledge anyone can easily pass the written test and move on to receive a license. The written knowledge tests are given to a number of people doing business with the DMV including new adult drivers, teen drivers and those residents that wish to receive a special license such as a motorcycle endorsement or Commercial driver’s license. In certain circumstances such as renewing an expired license or attempting to reinstate a previously suspended license the test may also be administered.

There are three main actions a driver can take when faced with the written exam that will assure a passing grade. These include:

  • Understanding the license and testing process
  • Preparing for the written test
  • Checking their progress and understanding the written test itself

Understanding the Process

One of the aspects that cause anxiety, especially among those getting a drivers license for the first time is not knowing what to expect from the DMV visit. Before the day of testing, make a trip to a local DMV branch office and ask questions about the specific process in the state for a better understanding of what to expect during the testing procedure. While there you may pick up a copy of the correct Drivers Handbook for the license being applied for and any other information brochures the DMV offers.

In general, the day of testing will consist of three parts. The first will be submitting an application and providing the correct documentation to a clerk. Documentation will include proof of residency, citizenship status and identity. Once the clerk approves the documentation the next step will be the vision screening. This is to assure that the new driver can see properly to be a safe driver.

The third step will be the written testing. The driver will be guided to the testing area designated in the DMV office and administered a written knowledge test by computer. The clerk will go over some important rules the new driver must follow during testing such as turning off cell phones. There is no time limit on the test so drivers may take as much time as necessary to complete the test. Once the test is completed, an automatic score is administered. If passed, the driver moves on to the final stage of licensing which includes the driving skills test.

Preparing for the test

Set a goal date to begin the driver’s license process so that the driver can properly plan study time. The written test is administered on a walk-in basis only so each driver may take as long as is needed to prepare. Gathering the materials needed for study is an important part of this process so be sure to acquire the following pieces:

Each license type has a specific driver’s manual containing the information needed to be a safe driver on the road. This can be obtained while visiting the DMV office or in online PDF format online at the DMV website “”:

Cheat Sheets and practice tests are available in several places online. The cheat sheets designed by this website are based on the valuable information needed to pass the test and separated by license or permit type. Practice tests are one of the most important tools for study needed. They allow the driver to test their skills against a test that is made up of questions similar to those found on the actual written test.

Addition study tools such as informative articles are also available online. Everything from tips on how to pass the tests to what you can expect on the day of actual testing can be located in articles. The more understanding a new driver has of the actual test and the process, the less anxious they will be.

Checking Progress and Understanding the Test

The written test is a two-part exam consisting of multiple choice and true/false questions. Part one of the exams consists of ten questions regarding the traffic signs found on roadways and drivers must correctly answer all ten in order to proceed. The second portion of the written test is made up of general questions about the traffic laws and rules of the road for the state. An 80% score or higher is required for part two.

Practice tests are not only a way of testing abilities but also give insight into what to expect on the actual test. The questions on the written test are randomly generated so they will change each time the test is taken so it is important to take as many practice tests as possible. Some questions may look similar to the following:

  1. A yield sign means the driver must:
  • Drive with caution through an intersection
  • Change lanes
  • Come to a complete stop and wait for traffic to clear
  • Reduce speed due to construction
  1. When backing up, most drivers forget to look both ways behind the vehicle
  • True/false
  1. When approaching railroad tracks that must be crossed, the first thing a driver should do is:
  • Speed up and cross the tracks as fast as possible
  • Drive around a lowered gate unless they actually see the train coming
  • Ignore the tracks and keep going when there’s no flashing signal
  • Look both ways down the track, slow down and cover the brake in preparation to stop
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